1.That Divine Grace Family Circle Lld hereafter,referred to as"Divine Family Circle Ltd "is a business registered in Nigeria.

2.Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. is into distribution and sale of food products and forex traders,also multi level marketing and networking.

3.That I am responsible for introducing new members to Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. as part of my role as a network marketer

4.That I understand that Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. is a multi level network marketing company and may from time to time suffer lack of patronage that may inhibit payment of benefits at prescribed time.

5. That in time of lack of liquidity, I undertake to wait until such a time Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. becomes liquid and capable of payment of obligations due to me.

6. That Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. is not responsible for any loss arising from dealing with unauthorized persons who claim to be leaders or staff

7. That Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. reserves the right to withhold any amount as compensation for loss or any damage arising from performance or non performance of my obligation under this relationship.

8.That under no circumstance shall Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. be liable for nonpayment of benefit owing to increased cost of goods and services or in an event of unavailability of funds.

9.That l shall indemnify divine grace family circle ltd for any damage or loss arising from wrong payments made to wrong beneficiaries provided by me.

10.That I have provided my payment information as required by Divine grace Family Circle Ltd. and that Divine arace Family Circle Itd is not responsible for any payment not made as a result of false information/details provided by me.

11.That I will be responsible for any payment required from me, from time to time, under my relationship with Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd.

12.That I agree to wait for the period stipulated by Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd for receiving benefits.

13.That I hereby irrevocably authorize Divine Grace Family Circle Ltd. to comply without further recourse to me with such instructions or directives as may be issued by the government from time to time.

14.Proprietary Rights and Confidentiality:Except expressly stated otherwise,neither this Agreement nor any sale of products under this agreement shall be construed as granting to the Representative any license or right inor to any patent, copyright, trademark or other proprietary righty of the company.

15.Trademarks: Representative shall conduct its business under its own name representative shall not use any trademarks or trade names of the company in any manner, except as authorized in writing by the company or in connection with the use of literature supplied by the company. Representatives shall discontinue such usage upon the termination of this agreement.
